

This is how JavaScript implements execution context, hoisting declaration at the top of the JavaScript program.

invoking functions

When a function is invoked, two implicit parameters are passed to the function, arguments and this.

  • this - represents the function context, the object on which our function is invoked.

  • arguments - a collection of parameters passed to a function. It's an array-like object, but not array.

as a function - fly()

function ninja() {
  return this; // this => window object

function ninja() {
  "use strict"; // in strcit mode, javascript engine will not pass window parameter to the function
  return this; // this => undefined

as a method -

When a function is assigned to a property of an object, it would be invoked by referencing the function using that property. The function is invoked as a method of that object.

as a constructor, creating a new objet - new Ninja()

  1. a new empty object is created
  2. this object is passed to the constructor as the this parameter, and it will become the constructor's function context.
  3. the newly constructed object is returned as the new operator's value.

what happens if not using new operator to construct an object?

In nonstrict mode, the this parameter will refer to window object. You may not invoke functions properly.

Function.prototype.apply vs

  • .apply(this, [arguments]) - the object to be used as function context, an array of values to be used as the invocation arguments.
  • .call(this, arguments) - the object to be used as function context, arguments that are passed directly into the argument list.

ES6 - arrow function

arrow functions do not get their own implicit this parameter when we call them. They remember the value of the this parameter at the time they were created.

Exception: If an arrow function is defined within an object literal that is defined in global code, the value of the this parameter associated with the arrow function is the global window object.


.bind() is designed to create and return a new function that is bound to the passed-in object. It creates a completely new function.


closure allows a function to access and manipulate variables that are external to that function.

function Ninja() {
  // the scope of the variable is limited to inside the constructor function,
  // it's a "private" variable.
  var name = "who knows";


  • mimic private vairables

execution context stack

|                          |
| tryNextFunction('he')    |
| runFunction('lala')      |
| global execution context |

variable definitions: const, var, let

let and const are introduced by ES6.

  • var: mutable - it is defined in the closest function or global lexical environment. blocks are ignored!
  • const: immutable, value can only be set once - it defines variables in the closest lexical environment (which can be a block, loop, a function, or even global environment)
  • let: mutable - same as const above

how does Javscript engine run and execute?

const firstRobin = 'robin';

function check(input) {
    console.log(`check ${input}`);

from the example above, function call check(firstRobin) will execute sucessfully, even though the actual check() function declaration is after the execution.

This only works for function declaration (i.e. function() {}, not var a = function() {})

Although Javascript code is executed line by line, it turns out that Javascript engine "cheats" a little. It has two phases when running the code:

  1. javascript engine visits and registers all declared variables within the current lexical environment.
  2. javascript executes the code

variable hoisting

variables are visited and registered in lexical environments before any code is executed.


A promise is a built-in type of objects that help you work with asynchronous code. A promise is a placeholder for a value that we don't have yet, but will at some later point. They are specially good for working with multiple asynchronous steps.

We can chaining promises with then().

const namePromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  if (getJson().status === 200) {
    resolve('promise resolved');
  } else {
    reject('promised failed');

disadvantages of callback:

  1. difficult error handling
  2. performing sequences of steps is tricky.
  3. performing a number of steps in parallel is also tricky.

advantage of promise:

  1. simplifies the approache of dealing with asynchronous tasks.
  2. can work with a sequence of handling
function getJSON(url) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
    request.onload = function() {
      try {
        if (this.status === 200) {
        } else {
          reject(this.status + ' ' + this.statusText);
      } catch(e) {

    request.onerror = function() {
      reject(this.status + ' ' + this.statusText);


async and await

(async function () {
  try {
    const ninjas = await getJSON('data/ninjas.json');
    const missions = await getJSON('data/missions.json');

  } catch(e) {
    console.log('error: ' + e);

generator (covered in Secrets of JavaSccript Ninja, working with generator functions section)

a generator is a function that generates a sequence of values. generator can receive standard arguments.

a generator works almost like a small program, a state machine that moves between states:

  • suspended start
  • executing
  • suspended yield
  • completed

calling the generator will create an object called an iterator.

function* NameGenerator() {
  yield 'Amy';
  yield 'Allen';
  yield 'Frank';

var nameIterator = NameGenerator();; // Object: {value: 'Amy', done: 'false'}

usage 1: generate ids

function *IdGenerator() {
  let id = 0;
  while (true) {
    yield ++id;

usage 2: traverse the DOM

  • recursion version:
    function traverseDOM(element, callback) {
    element = element.firstElementChild;
    while (element) {
      traverseDOM(element, callback);
      element = element.nextElementSibling;
  • generator:
    function* DomTraversal(element) {
    yield element;
    element = element.firstElementChild;
    while (element) {
      yield* DomTraversal(element);
      element = element.nextElementSibling;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""