quicksort & quick selection
Leetcode - kth largest element in an array
// partIndex represents the start of last part
function partition(nums, startIndex, endIndex, pivotIndex) {
let pivotVal = nums[pivotIndex];
swap(nums, endIndex, pivotIndex);
let partIndex = startIndex;
for (let i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i += 1) {
const val = nums[i];
if (val < pivotVal) {
swap(nums, i, partIndex);
partIndex += 1;
//move pivotVal to the correct place
swap(partIndex, endIndex);
return partIndex;
function quicksort(nums, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (startIndex < endIndex) {
q = partition(nums, startIndex, endIndex);
quicksort(nums, startIndex, q-1);
Quick selection
function select(nums, startIndex, endIndex, k) {
if (left === right) {
return nums[left];
let pivotIndex = endIndex;
pivotIndex = partition(nums, startIndex, endIndex, pivotIndex);
if (pivotIndex === k) {
return nums[pivotIndex];
} else if (pivotIndex < k) {
return select(nums, startIndex, pivotIndex-1, k);
} else {
return select(nums, pivotIndex+1, endIndex, k);