
Kadane's algorithm

  1. maximum subarray
  2. best time to buy & sell stocks (I, II, III, IV)
    • I: the logic is to calculate the difference (maxCur += prices[i] - prices[i-1]) of the original array, and find a contiguous subarray giving maximum profit. If the difference falls below 0, reset it to zero.
    • III: dynamic programming dp[k][prices.length]

Maximun blah blah blah subarray

  1. contiguous array for finding subarray containing equal amount of elements, use minus plus. Do minus for A element, and do plus for B element. They will create two points with same Y-axis value (which means they eliminates the differences between them)
  2. Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k

Bucket sort: sort in linear time. usually the data range is known.

  1. H-index

Substring search & match

  1. Implement strStr(): use KMP algorithm (read this post)

Sliding windows:

  1. find a valid window (move right pointer first, minimize the window size by moving left forward), update result (with hashmap's help, i.e. calculate count, etc)
  2. make window invalid,
  3. and repeat

Dynamic programming

  1. DFS + memorization (top down)
  2. use state transformation formula (bottom up)

Depth first search + memorization

  1. frog jump: DFS + memorization, fail quickly!
  1. one-end: tree
  2. two-end: know start and end, such as Word Laddar


  1. check cycle: union find
    1. initialize array with val = -1
    2. if find(a) equals to find(b), it means a and b are connected
  2. find order: topological sort - Kahn's algorithm
    1. find start node with no incoming edges, and add them to a set
    2. start search from the set, check each of its neighbors.
    3. for each neighbor, remove the edge between itself and parent.
    4. if it has no incoming edges, add it to result set
      L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
      S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edges
      while S is non-empty do
      remove a node n from S
      add n to tail of L
      for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
        remove edge e from the graph
        if m has no other incoming edges then
            insert m into S
      if graph has edges then
      return error (graph has at least one cycle)
      return L (a topologically sorted order)


  1. LRU Cache: write a separate LinkedList constructor, split them to decrease the complexity.


Matrix & array

  1. in-place update:
    • use bit, bitwise operation

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